Small Groups

Building our relationships

To strengthen our parish community and to build trusting relationships with God and each other, Grace is facilitating three small groups of 8 to 10 people who will meet in people’s homes. We will resume the program in fall 2024. 

Each group will have a leader, and each session will begin with a simple dinner, and then moves into prayer, check-in, discussion, a group activity and worship. 

People in cozy chairs gathered in a living room around a big leather ottomman.

Where and when to meet?

Groups will meet in members’ homes, but if no home is available, the group can meet at the church. Hosts listed above are for the first session only; each group will determine the following meeting locations and hosts. 

The schedule will be determined as we get closer to launching the program in the fall.

What is the commitment of time?

Just show up! Leaders moderate the group meeting for all sessions. Hosts provide the space and order the food. Members should try to attend all sessions to build a sense of group cohesiveness. That way they are being present for each other as well as for themselves. (Of course, conflicts, sickness, etc. are bound to arise, but we encourage members to attend as often as possible.) 

Is there child Care?

Our plan is to provide child care at the church for one of the groups. Please contact Verne or Emily.

How Do I Sign uP?

We will provide a Google form and a QR code, here, in the back of the church, or in the hallways. There will also be a paper sign-up sheet in Memorial Hall and people will assist with registration during coffee hour. Keep in mind that you will be signing up for ONE group and will stick with that group the entire time.

I have more questions

Reach out!

Verne Becker, 845-480-1633,

Emily Nevill, 845-709-2356,