
Services and Livestream

Liturgical worship and music are central to the life of Grace Church, and a source of enrichment in parishioners’ lives. It is a reflection of our commitment to our neighbors and manifested in all of our ministries. Grace extends its welcome to all.

Livestreaming available on our YouTube page here!



September through June 

8:00am Sunday

A spoken Eucharist with scripture readings, sermon and prayers according to Rite I from the Book of Common Prayer.

9:30am Sunday

A lively and informal Eucharist designed for parishioners of all ages. The service, adapted from Rite II, includes scripture, a short sermon and music. Young parishioners serve as crucifer, subdeacons, and lectors. Church school follows this service.

11:00am Sunday

A full complement of choir, organ, and church music, a Rite II Eucharist with scripture, sermon, congregational hymn singing, and choral offerings. Since the pandemic, this service has been streamed on Facebook.

4:00pm first Sunday of the month

A choral Evensong. A service with prayers, psalms and a reflection, where worshippers can pray about the month past and for the one ahead, led by a cantor and accompanied by our choir. This service appeals to members outside our congregation. (October through May)



July and August


The church school and choir take a hiatus, and we offer two services: 8:00am Rite I and 10:00am Rite II, with music.