A day of prayer, conversation, and silent reflection with Sr. Claire Joy, Community of the Holy Spirit
Join us for a Lenten day of quiet, led by Sr. Claire Joy, on the theme of Finding Wholeness in the Desert. The word desert can conjure up images of isolation, danger, purification — it’s where you either confront your emptiness or are consumed by it. Together we will explore how a desert experience can help us strip away the nonessential, and bring ourselves closer to God.
Saturday, March 8, 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Chapel of St. John the Divine, 170 Mott Farm Rd, Tomkins Cove
(includes continental breakfast & lunch)
Chapel of St. John the Divine, 170 Mott Farm Rd, Tomkins Cove
(includes continental breakfast & lunch)
Admission to Quiet Day is free, but attendees must register in advance by signing up in back of the church, or by calling or emailing the church office (parishoffice@gracechurchnyack.org). Questions? Call 845-358-1297. Sponsored by the Grace Adult Spiritual Formation Commission.