Adult Spiritual Formation: Bible Study

A New Bible Study!

“I just don’t get the Bible — it’s so old and outdated, it contradicts itself, and some of the stories are violent and disturbing.”
“OK, the teachings of Jesus are interesting and even profound, but the rest of the Bible? It just doesn’t seem relevant to me.”
“Some people are using the Bible to justify all kinds of laws and behaviors. How do we apply these ancient texts to 21st century life?”
The Adult Spiritual Formation Commission wants to create a space where you can explore questions such as these in an informal discussion format. On Tuesday, March 11, we are launching a new Bible study that will meet in Patterson Hall from 7:30 to 8:30 pm on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month.
The study will begin with the book of Genesis, which helps us think about who we are and how we came to be here. Our leader will be parishioner Douglas Furth, who has given several well-received talks for ASF in the past. For each session, Douglas will provide a brief intro highlighting any necessary background information, and then the group will read and discuss the passage together. Come join us!

Posted by Grace Church

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