Giving to Grace


Stewardship is using the gifts God has given us to do the work God is calling us to do.

Christian stewardship is grateful and responsible use of God’s gifts in the light of God’s purpose as revealed in Jesus Christ. Christian stewards, empowered by the Holy Spirit, commit  themselves to conscious, purposeful decisions.

We frequently talk about stewardship during our annual pledge campaign, but stewardship is so much more than just pledging money.  The gifts of our time and our talents (in addition to our treasure!) are vital parts of doing the work to which God has called us.

Your generous gifts are sacred offerings which help sustain our mission to help people grow in faith and reach out in love.

HERE IS THE LINK to complete a pledge card for 2024.


  • What is a pledge?  A pledge to Grace Church is a financial promise and to support our parish and its missions in the coming year. Your pledge is an act of faith that connects you more deeply to Grace. Many find spiritual joy in making a generous pledge to support God’s work through the church. While pledges guide our budget for the year, they can be adjusted, up or down, if your circumstances change.
  • How can I make a pledge?  Pledge cards are available from the church office or you can click here to make your pledge online.
  • How much should I pledge?  Grace depends on a relatively small number of pledges (~145) for the majority (68%) of its budget. Please give Grace a high place in your annual giving, and make a pledge that feels to you like a major gift!  This is a very personal decision, but there are guiding principles. The Biblical tithe of 10% of income is a worthy goal, and some members joyfully reach this pinnacle. The Episcopal Church Foundation suggests that if you’re new to pledging, 2% of your income may be a good place to start. The Bible has countless stories of how God is really good at taking whatever small gifts we can give and turning them into really big things. If we can all give a gift that is meaningful to us, we will be able to reach our goals.
  • What’s the difference between a pledge and a gift? Pledges indicate your intended financial donation to the parish for the coming year. They convey a level of commitment that strengthens our bonds with the parish, and they are needed by the wardens and vestry for planning ahead responsibly. We are always grateful for gifts, but we cannot rely on them for planning purposes.
  • Do I need to pay my full pledge at the beginning of the year?  We don’t expect you to fulfill your pledge in one lump gift. Many find they can give more when pledging and then giving incrementally over the course of the year.  Giving once a week, once a month, and once a quarter are all good ways of fulfilling your pledge.  
  • Don’t we get money from the Diocese? No, we don’t—it’s the other way around! Your pledges or gifts go directly to our parish, and we are then charged an apportioned share to help fund the diocese, supporting it and the missions of the Episcopal Church throughout the world. 
  • How can I give?  You can pay your pledge or make a gift by putting a cash or check in the offering plate on Sunday morning, mail a check to the church, or give electronically via credit card/debit card/ACH on our online giving platform, Giving Fire (  Full instructions for using Giving Fire are available HERE.  
  • Why do people pledge?  Parishioners pledge out of gratitude for the work that God has done in their lives through Grace Church. 


  • Still have questions?  Contact our pledge secretary Sally Ann Mock:

Thank you so much for your generosity and support — YOU make Grace happen.